During seasonal and weather changes, you may observe the presence of mold in your house. You can find mold in any nook and corner of the house. Mold can infest your home and quickly cover damp areas. You may spot mold in your bathroom, around the kitchen sink, in basements, and up in the attic. These are all areas that experience high levels of moisture and water retention.

Mold can be in different colors. It may appear black, green, white, and/or yellow. To get rid of the mold in your house, you first must know about its type. This will make the work easier and more convenient for you.

You may be wondering why it is important to remove mold in the first place. Mold is not healthy for a home’s interior environment. Mold belongs to the family of fungi and is dangerous for the health of you and your family members. It can get inside the HVAC system and disrupt the quality of the air inside your home. You and your family can develop respiratory issues due to the presence of mold in the house. If left unchecked, mold can infest the walls and ceilings and damage your home’s structural integrity.

Why Is It Essential To Get Rid Of Mold?

Effects of Mold

As you already know, mold causes health issues. In addition to respiratory issues, you can develop burning eyes, sore throat, skin rash, and even digestive problems. People with allergies and asthma must be extra careful. Exposure to mold can worsen their symptoms and lead to health complications. If you do not remove the mold from your home, you and your family members can develop long-term lung infections.

For most homeowners, it is difficult to identify the presence of mold and thoroughly remove it. Here are a few tips to remove mold from your house…

#1 Identify The Presence Of Mold In The House:

First, you must find the mold that’s present in your house. It can be present in the basement, kitchen, attic vents, HVAC systems, around the doors, windows, etc. Once you spot the mold, make a list of where you find it. You will typically find mold growth in the damp areas of the house. Check to see whether water leak issues are increasing in your house or not. Damage to the roof, gutter, and siding can cause the problem of uncontrolled mold growth in a home. Apart from these places, you may find mold on cardboard, fabric, insulation, drywall, and carpet. Scrutinize everything in your house that could possibly have mold growth.

#2 Know The Type Of Mold Growth In The House:

The mold infesting your house can be of various types. It can be black, yellow, green, gray, and/or white. Each mold has different characteristics. Therefore, you need to use different methods to kill the mold and prevent it from recurring. You can buy chemical solutions to remove the mold. Get a high-quality chemical solution and follow the directions to use it.

#3 Maintain Safety Precautions While Cleaning The Mold:

You must not start working on removing the mold without safety gear. Mold is a tiny particle and can enter your body through the nose, mouth, and ears. It is safest to use masks and gloves while cleaning the mold. The chemical solution you get from a store is available in a concentrated form. Dilute it and use a damp cloth to remove the mold. After using the damp cloth, you can use a scrubber to rub off the mold from every crack and crevice.

#4 Clean Up The Mold After Removal:

Mold Clean After Removal

While cleaning the mold, it may fall down on the floor or spread to another area. Make sure you clean other areas to fully eradicate mold from the source. This will help to prevent the mold from recurring.

#5 Hire Professionals:

If you think that you cannot remove the mold on your own, it is smart to hire professionals. Professional mold cleaners have advanced tools and techniques to remove mold within a short span of time.


Got a mold problem? Or you’re not sure if you do? For mold remediation services in and around the Twin Cities, call Arko Restoration at 763-434-2756.