When water damage strikes, it’s essential to act fast and efficiently to avoid further damage and costly repairs. The process of water damage restoration can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not familiar with the dos and don’ts of the restoration process. That’s where expert advice comes in handy. With decades of experience in the field, water damage restoration professionals have seen it all and know exactly what it takes to restore your property to its pre-damage state.

What are some essential dos and don’ts of water damage restoration, based on expert advice from seasoned professionals?

Here are some…

1. Do: Act Quickly To Address The Damage:

Quickly To Address The Damage

When it comes to water damage restoration, time is of the essence. The longer you wait to address the damage, the greater the damage can become, and the harder it will be to restore your property. As soon as you discover water damage, it’s important to take immediate action to stop the source of the water, remove any standing water and begin the restoration process. Contacting a professional restoration company can help ensure that the damage is addressed quickly and effectively.

Don’t: Attempt To Handle The Restoration Process Yourself:

While it can be tempting to try to save money by handling the restoration process yourself, it’s important to leave the job to professionals. Water damage restoration can be complex and requires specialized equipment and expertise to ensure that the damage is properly addressed. Attempting to handle the restoration process yourself can not only be dangerous but can also result in further damage to your property. Instead, contact a professional restoration company with experience in water damage restoration to handle the job for you.

2. Do: Take Steps To Prevent Mold Growth:

Water damage can create the perfect conditions for mold growth, which can cause health problems and further damage your property. To prevent mold growth, it’s important to take steps to dry out your property as quickly as possible. This includes removing any standing water, using dehumidifiers to reduce moisture levels and ensuring that all affected areas are thoroughly dried. In addition, it’s important to have a professional restoration company inspect your property for mold and take appropriate measures to prevent its growth.

Don’t: Ignore The Damage:

Even if the damage appears to be minor, it’s important to take action to address it as soon as possible. Water damage can spread quickly and cause extensive damage to your property, including structural damage and mold growth. Ignoring the damage can also result in increased restoration costs and longer restoration times. If you discover water damage in your home, even if it appears to be minor, contact a professional restoration company to assess the damage and begin the restoration process.

3. Do: Document The Damage:

Document the Damage

Before you begin the restoration process, it’s important to document the damage to your property. Take photos and videos of the affected areas, and keep a detailed record of any damage you discover. This documentation can be helpful when filing an insurance claim and can also help ensure that all the damage is properly addressed during the restoration process.

Don’t: Delay Hiring A Professional Restoration Company:

When it comes to water damage restoration, time is of the essence. Delaying hiring a professional restoration company can lead to more extensive damage and higher restoration costs. It’s important to contact a professional restoration company as soon as possible to begin the restoration process. A professional restoration company will have the experience and specialized equipment needed to address the damage quickly and effectively, helping to minimize the damage to your property and reducing the overall restoration costs.

4. Do: Ensure Proper Ventilation:

Proper ventilation is essential during the water damage restoration process. Adequate ventilation can help to speed up the drying process and prevent the growth of mold and mildew. A professional restoration company will use industrial-grade equipment such as air movers and dehumidifiers to facilitate proper ventilation and ensure that all affected areas are thoroughly dried.

Don’t: Use Electrical Appliances Or Touch Electrical Outlets:

Water damage can create a hazardous environment with electrical outlets, wires and appliances. It’s important to avoid using any electrical appliances or touching electrical outlets until a professional restoration company has ensured that it is safe to do so. A professional restoration company will have the expertise and equipment needed to safely address any electrical hazards and ensure that the environment is safe before you return to your property.

5. Do: Communicate With Your Insurance Company:

If you have homeowner’s insurance that covers water damage, it’s important to contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Keep them informed about the damage and the restoration process, and follow their guidelines for filing a claim. A professional restoration company can also work with your insurance company to ensure that all necessary documentation is provided and that the restoration process is covered by your policy.

Don’t: Attempt DIY Restoration:

Water damage restoration is a complex process that requires specialized equipment and expertise. Attempting to handle the restoration process on your own can lead to further damage to your property and increase the overall restoration costs. It’s important to contact a professional restoration company with experience in water damage restoration to handle the job for you. A professional restoration company will have the expertise and equipment needed to properly assess the damage, develop a restoration plan and ensure that the restoration process is completed safely and effectively.


In conclusion, water damage restoration can be a daunting task, but with these dos and don’ts, you can make the process smoother and more successful. Remember to prioritize safety, act quickly and seek help from professionals when necessary. By following these expert tips, you can mitigate the damage and restore your property back to its pre-loss condition. Don’t hesitate to take action in case of water damage and follow these guidelines for a successful restoration.