Fire and smoke damage are among one of the most devastating experiences any homeowner could ever go through. And if you have, then you know how difficult it may be to clean up and restore your home to its former glory.

There is never a one size fits all process to clean up fire and smoke damage from homes and businesses. Every situation that involves fire damage is different and must be handled with care. Nonetheless, there are some steps that you can apply to help you clean up fire and smoke damage efficiently.

Initial Assessment of the Damage

Assessment of the property after fire damage

The first step in cleaning up fire and smoke damage is an initial assessment of the damage. This step will help you know the extent of the damage before going ahead to clean up. You will also be able to deice on which items need replacing immediately and what can be cleaned up later.

If you are covered, this would also be the time to get your insurance company involved. This will ensure that they know the extent of the damage so that they can help you with your claim. They will send an adjuster who will come into your home. They will go through each room in your house and assess the damages before they sign off on the claims process.

Inspecting the Structure

The next step is inspecting your structure. This is a very important step because it will determine whether your home can be saved. Otherwise, it may need to be completely rebuilt from scratch. If there is any evidence of structural damage, then it may need some major repairs before you can consider moving back into it again.

This step will typically be carried out by a certified restoration company since they have the appropriate expertise and specialized equipment. If the damage is too severe, they will advise you on what needs to be done to ensure that all aspects of the house are safe for habitation.

Take Safety Precautions

Smoke and soot can lead to long-lasting health problems, not to mention death. It is therefore important to determine if there are any further risks that you and your family might be exposed to. It is also best to have everyone outside when the clean-up work is being done.

Another safety precaution that you need to consider is turning off the electricity and gas to your house before starting the clean-up process. This will prevent any injuries that may be brought about by electrical shocks or leaking gas.

Begin the Clean-Up Process

Clean-Up Process after fire damage .

Remove the Smoke Smell From Your Home . After your home has been affected by a fire, you will notice a lingering smoke smell. This smell can linger long after the fire is gone. Fortunately, there are ways that can help you get rid of it.

The first thing you want to do is to open all doors and windows to air out your home. Letting the fresh air in will help to displace the smoke odor more quickly. Another thing you can do is to use fans to circulate the air around the house if possible. You should also try removing any items that may have been damaged or contaminated by smoke or soot. You can let these items air out for several days. This will not only help remove some of the unpleasant odors , but also reduce the chances of mold growth in your home. A professional cleaning company can also help to remove this odor quickly.

Cleaning the Outside Surfaces

Once the smoke smell has been removed from your home, it is now time to clean up all of those areas on walls and other surfaces where stains or discoloration may have been left behind.

The right cleaning products and equipment, coupled with a trained eye of a restoration professional, will allow you to effectively clean up fire and smoke damage on the exterior surfaces of your house This will require pressure washing or other cleaning methods that do not damage the surface or structure .

The first step will be to remove ash, soot, and debris from exterior surfaces. A gentle scrub brush or sponge can be used for this.
Clean surfaces with water. Rinse down all exterior surfaces with water using a hose, sprayer, or pressure washer. If you have access to a garden hose or pressure washer, use it to rinse down all visible exterior surfaces of your home with fresh water. You may need to use a brush or sponge to get into nooks and crannies where debris has accumulated.

Cleaning the Interior of the House

Once you’ve finished rinsing down your home’s exterior, move on inside to finish cleaning up any remaining smoke residue inside your house. Cleaning interior surfaces are much more difficult than cleaning exterior surfaces because you need to work around furniture, appliances, etc., to reach all areas where fire damage has occurred. You may also want to consider hiring a professional restoration company for this task if your indoor property has sustained significant smoke or fire damage.

The interior surfaces of your home can be cleaned using a wet/dry vacuum cleaner or with damp rags and paper towels. Make sure not to use a steam cleaner on anything that might have oil or grease stains because this may cause more damage than good when cleaning up after a fire.


Fire and smoke damage is a serious matter that must be dealt with quickly and professionally. The extent of the damage will determine how long it takes to clean up after a fire, but there are some general steps that apply to all cases.